Saturday, 6 February 2016


When the name Abuja is mentioned, it elicits images of power, wealth, hardship, governance, e.t.c. There is this general notion that Abuja is a very tough and expensive city, meant for the high and mighty. I remember telling people that I was going to settle in Abuja after my National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and at every instance, I was seriously talked out of it.

What can I say? Yes! It is true that Abuja is the seat of power in Nigeria and that the powers that be and make things happen in this country all reside here. It is also true that Abuja could be a tough place to live in and maybe more expensive compared to other cities in the country (especially housing).

The above notion notwithstanding, I would like to introduce to you, another side of Abuja that a lot of people know little or nothing about. I would like to call it the “humane” side of Abuja. A side to Abuja which is beginner friendly, affordable and accommodating, no matter your level in life. I am here to introduce to you, ABUJA SUBURBS!

A lot has been said and written about the metropolitan city of Abuja, but not much about the suburbs. And even the little that has been written about the suburbs, paints the gloomy picture of negativity. Most of what you get to see is how these suburbs lack social amenities, proper planning, poor hygienic conditions, under constant fear of demolition by the housing authorities, to mention but a few. This blog is out to showcase that ‘other side’ of Abuja, to celebrate the sights and sounds of life in Abuja suburbs, to serve as a business guide to existing and prospective business entrepreneurs, proffer information on relatively affordable accommodation in peaceful suburbs to intending settlers/beginners, celebrate the resilience and success stories of persons who have been able to achieve a lot in business and career within these areas, and lots more.

The general notion is that the municipality enjoys more social amenities than the suburbs, but as we take you on this ride, you will discover that, that’s not always the case.

Every suburb tells its own story, radiates its own beauty and uniqueness, and presents it’s own surmountable challenges. There is just ‘something’ which makes every suburb stand out. I have and still live within this special category (wink) and have a lot to share.

I welcome you to excitement, I welcome you to adventure...welcome to ABUJA SUBURBS!


hat many people do not know about,perhaps a side that a lot of people can relate to,start from ke things happen in this cokvjnkmc xjsjkxklmmjkolkjgtyr6tu8jkl;lmmmhhhhaaasertyuiuioopp[o[p,mnbvcxzasdfggiuyuiiooollllmmmmmnnbb….hktkh………….jktjgtdfkbhiruhyep………..kvgojkopgoghdfgkldhoui…………3jjou……………….jgglgkf………wemnvkjfjlotptm,….ooo…………….g..g.g…kk………………………………….nkhgj………..njhklnjdlkjgsdfkl;jklklyklhjl

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